Homeschooling is the most rewarding experience of my life!
I must also admit my humanity and share that homeschooling is one of the most challenging missions I have ever sought to carry out.
In choosing to homeschool, I have taken on the sole accountability for educating my children. As such, I think the most challenging aspect of homeschooling for a parent is the “fear of failing.”
There are countless variables that can determine your success as a homeschool parent. Essentially, the rate of your success relates to your goals in educating your children and the reason you chose to homeschool in the first place. For that reason, you can address your feeling of self-doubt by visiting the core of what you are setting out to achieve during your homeschool endeavor.
Following are many examples of reasons people choose to homeschool and their goals in doing so:
Maintain their child's physical safety
Protect their child from being bullied
Help their child develop emotional resilience
Help their child develop the skills and drive to be successful at all their future endeavors
Help their child develop critical thinking skills so they can rationalize through situations and outcomes
Help their child develop their own personal relationship with God
Help their child view the world through a Biblical perspective
Help their child know God
Help their child understand the benefits and uses of our world's resources
Help their child use gained knowledge to help others
Help their child be a productive citizen
Want their child to love learning
Want their child to learn and explore areas of interest
Want their child to know how to learn and study
Want their child to question everything and be able to find answers on their own
Want their child to be able to find and use available resources to learn anything they would want or need to know
You may relate to some of the reasons mentioned above. You may even have reasons of your own that are not listed.
Once you have identified and realized your true objectives for your choice in educating your children at home, you can rate your own success to the completion of your objective(s).
Visit these several times during your homeschool journey, continually adjusting your list to your changing focus. As you persevere through each year, you will realize success on many counts.
You may also realize lost focus relevant to some of your goals. If you find this to be the case, rest dear homeschool parent, one of the blessings on this homeschool journey is that we can easily pinpoint areas in which we can improve and produce solutions that will help us address them.
I absolutely love everything about homeschooling, even the challenges, because it is through these challenges that we grow. As we invest so much of ourselves in educating our children, it is also rewarding to see the impact of our efforts. It is not only the knowledge that is gained, but also the spiritual and emotional growth that both you and your children develop in the process that is so valuable.
“For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.” (New International Version, Colossians 1:9-10)
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