Thomas Jefferson Educational Method: also known as “TJED” or “Leadership Education”
It is the reestablishment of a classical Liberal Arts Education based on the education of the founding American period of history. It is a classical method of homeschooling.
This method of education is based on Seven Keys of Great Teaching which are:
Classics, not textbooks
Mentors, not professors
Inspire, not require
Structure time, not content
Quality, not Conformity
Simplicity, not complexity
You, not them
The Phases of Learning Include
The first foundational phase is the CORE phase (ages 0-8): focusing on right and wrong, good and bad, true and false, relationships, family routines/values/responsibilities, being accountable for learning, and to love and value work.
The second foundational phase is the love of learning phase (ages 8-12): encourages family reading of classic literature, curiosity, personal decision making and accountability, and learning about personal gifts, interests, mission, and goals.
The first educational phase is the SCHOLAR phase (approximately ages 12-18): incorporates long hours of study and working with a mentor (or a parent) to refine academic skills placing emphasis on cultural literacy
The second educational phase is the DEPTH phase (approximately ages 18-24): Submission to a mentor guided program learning seven lessons as an apprentice or private or formal college. These lessons include: Initiative, ingenuity, allegiance, integrity, commitment, passion, and impact.
The first applicational phase is the MISSION phase (approximately ages 25-45): Pursuance of continued self-education, family building, community, professional vocations, leadership and more
The final phase of learning and the final applicational phase is the IMPACT phase (approximately ages 45-65+): Leadership, mentorship, philosophy, and more are typically practiced
Parents and educators wanting to teach this method can receive orientation and training by completing The Five Pillar Certification.
Leadership education - tjed. (n.d.). https://www.tjed.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/PhasesTeaser.pdf
Wikimedia Foundation. (2023b, November 30). Thomas Jefferson Education. Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Jefferson_Education#Seven_Keys_Of_Great_Teaching

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